Most business clients interact with brands in different ways using a range of mediums such as TV, social media, and email. That is why marketers should use different channels to engage customers and potential clients.

The tricky part is connecting with these audiences through their favourite outlets in ways that attract their attention and keeps them engaged. Marketers need cross channel marketing strategies to achieve this objective.

What is cross channel marketing? 

Cross channel marketing involves creating marketing content and linkages that enable the audience to consume and interact with the brand on different platforms. It transcends publishing content on various platforms to include creating a synergetic relationship between channels so that consumers get an enriched experience. Marketers create linkages between platforms such that consumers follow a logical progression when making purchase decisions.

The Process of Cross Channel Marketing

Cross channel marketing eliminates the fragmentation of promotional messages created by a scattergun approach to promotion. It leverages different channels such as emails, SMS, web content, social media, and media to enrich customer interaction.

For instance, a customer may get a Facebook lead directing them to a blog post that explains how to remove stubborn stains on carpets. Upon visiting the blog, they will find content describing how to resolve the problem using a particular type of detergent.

The post also includes links to a YouTube video demonstrating how it works and another link to the company website displaying the different types of products on offer.

Each channel reinforces the other creating a rich customer experience. Since marketing channels are interconnected, customers will seamlessly switch from one channel to another without feeling that you are bombarding them with content.

Understand your clients

Marketers need to have a good profile of their customers. Understand their buying behavior and the channels they frequent for information before making buying decisions. They should also understand how targets like to receive promotional information. After researching your customers, you can then create customized content that connects with customers on different platforms and links with other channels.

Collect customer data

Start by tracking and collecting customer data because the information will help you give insights into how different customers interact with your brand and the buying process. You can get the data from the customer relationship management (CRM) database or other software provided by third parties. The data should help you discern the persona of different customers.


After profiling the customers, and the leads, divide them into different groups. You can split the segments by browsing habits, channels through which they interact with the brand, and shopping preferences. For instance, you might notice that certain sections were very responsive to a particular marketing campaign. Ultimately, the data will help you determine the most important customer segments and how to optimize and integrate marketing campaigns for the best results.

Customized marketing

cross channel marketing customization

After segmenting customers create interlinked content targeting different segments based on the various stages of their purchase journey. For instance, you can send mail to the most promising leads with a call to action, guiding them on how to interact with the sales team.

For customers who have already checked your products, you can entice them with discounts. For customers who have already made a purchase, you can inform them of new additions to the catalog or product features.

Further, if buyers in the same segment have different content consumption habits, create different versions of the content to serve each group. Use data analytics to determine the most effective cross channel strategy and enhance it with optimized content. The aim is to give all segments content that is most relevant to their buying needs.

Overcoming the challenges

Inevitably, cross channel marketing comes with the problem of complexity because marketers have to ensure that different teams work in concert to link all the channels. There is also the need to provide consistent messages to different segments. For best results, marketers should form integrated teams of content creators and staff from various departments to coordinate holistic promotions and customer outreach.


Cross channel marketing is a great way of improving customer engagement and consumption of marketing content by creating seamless linkages between different channels. However, it requires meticulous planning to identify the diverse customer segments and how to engage them effectively.

If you execute cross channel marketing properly, you will find that it is one of the most effective marketing strategies.

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